Chicoine Architecture, Mathematics, & Engineering Hall
South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD
Perspective partnered with RATIO architects to design the Architecture, Mathematics & Engineering Building (AME Building) at South Dakota State University in Brookings as as a symbol of rebirth for the existing engineering precinct of campus. The AME Building also helped launch the newly founded Department of Architecture and strengthened SDSU's planning initiative for a more meaningful pedestrian campus at the heart of SDSU. The $12.5 million cutting-edge facility intentionally fosters connections among the named architecture, mathematics, and mechanical engineering departments. This project serves not only as an academic building but also as a gateway to campus.

The first floor embodies the hands-on, team based spirit of the building and features a high-bay fabrication area where large-scale interdisciplinary projects can be undertaken. Shared fabricating labs include a metal shop, assembly area, tool crib, wood shop, masonry & concrete shop, digital fabrication room and a design team conference room. The second floor is home to the Mathematics Department with over 40 faculty offices and 30 graduate staff offices and work rooms. The third floor is the home of the new Department of Architecture (DoArch). Beyond a traditional classroom/desk space, the Department of Architecture required flexible studio and shop spaces for collaboration and core departmental learning values.